
updated: May 15, 2002

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the makeup artists

This is the index of makeup artists whose work is featured in themakeupgallery. These are not complete filmographies but cover only the featured movies: at the moment only links to movies featured in galleries at the new site are active.

But first the disclaimers: it is often very difficult to identify who was responsible to what degree for a particular makeup (eg how many times have you seen a credit for Sherman Labs yet they are responsible for some of the best makeups on UK TV and who designed and/or applied the makeup for Shopper Who?). Where possible I have linked from the makeup artist to a particular makeup that he/she designed and/or applied: but an entry in this listing may simply mean that the makeup artist worked on that movie in some capacity.

Having said that I will make this listing as complete and accurate as possible from movie credits, Makeup Artist Magazine articles, input from individual makeup artists, makeup artists' resumes, Making of featurettes, the IMDb, books like Making a Monster, other articles and interviews etc. If anyone is wrongly credited or omitted I apologise: I would welcome corrections or additions especially from the makeup artists concerned — please email me.

Sallie Adams (IMDb)
The Falklands Play.

Alexandre (IMDb)

Lance Anderson (IMDb)
Death Becomes Her; The Man With Two Brains.

Jennifer Aspinall (IMDb)

Roy Ashton (IMDb)
War And Remembrance; The Reptile; The Plague Of The Zombies; She; The Gorgon.

Kevyn Aucoin (IMDb / Official Site)
queen Elizabeth I lookalike; Bette Davis lookalike; Alla Nazimova lookalike; Edith Piaf lookalike; Audrey Hepburn lookalike; Sophia Loren lookalike; Clara Bow lookalike.

Rick Baker (IMDb)
Planet Of The Apes; How The Grinch Stole Christmas; Michael Jackson's Thriller; The Howling.

Jack Barron (IMDb)
Family Plot; Marnie.

George Bau (IMDb)
The Lost Weekend.

Gordon Bau (IMDb)
Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf.

Howard Berger (IMDb)
Thir13en Ghosts; Spy Kids; The Cell; Vampires; Tales From The Darkside: The Movie.

Kate Biscoe (IMDb)
How The Grinch Stole Christmas; Bedazzled.

Rob Bottin (IMDb)
Charlies' Angels; Legend; Explorers; Toys; The Howling.

Georges Bouban (IMDb)
Woman Times Seven.

Veronica Brebner (IMDb)
Shakespeare In Love; Her Majesty Mrs Brown.

Michèle Burke (IMDb)
The Cell; La Guerre Du Feu.

Barney Burman (IMDb / Official Site)
Human Nature; Angel; How The Grinch Stole Christmas; Decoration Day.

Greg Cannom (IMDb)
A Beautiful Mind; America's Sweethearts: Monkeybone; Bicentennial Man; Titanic; The Associate; Heaven & Earth; Captain America; Hook; Forever Young.

Sacha Carter (IMDb / CarterWhiteFX)
Gormenghast (TV) .

John Chambers (IMDb)
Battle For The Planet Of The Apes; Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes; Escape From The Planet Of The Apes; Beneath The Planet Of The Apes; The Planet Of The Apes; Star Trek (TOS).

Ken Chase (IMDb)
Back To The Future Part II; Back To The Future; Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years (TV).

Dominique Colladant (IMDb)
La Chambre Des Officiers; The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik Yak; Edith Et Marcel.

Bill Corso (IMDb)
The Shining; Prefontaine; A Face To Die For.

Mark Coulier (IMDb / Coulier Creatures Ltd)
Merlin; Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

Robert (Bob) Dawn (IMDb)
Marnie; Mission Impossible (TV).

Jack Dawn (IMDb)
Dragon Seed; Mrs Parkington; Marie Antoinette; The Good Earth.

Nicolas Degennes (IMDb)
The Proprietor.

Ken Diaz (IMDb)
Why Do Fools Fall In Love?; My Family; Fright Night.

Nick Dorning (IMDb / the make-up biz)
Children Of The Revolution.

Nick Dudman (IMDb)
Frankenstein Unbound; Legend; Krull.

Tina Earnshaw (IMDb / necessities by Tina Earnshaw)
Shakespeare In Love; Jefferson In Paris.

Zoltan Elek (IMDb)
Coneheads; Alien Nation; Explorers; Heartbeeps.

Leonard Engelman (IMDb)
Joe Versus The Volcano.

Max Factor (IMDb)
The Good Earth.

George Frost (IMDb)
Lady Caroline Lamb.

Carl Fullerton (IMDb)
Beloved; Warlock.

Toni G (IMDb)
Planet Of The Apes; How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

Tony Gardner (IMDb)
Shallow Hal; Human Nature; Nightbreed.

Neill Gorton (IMDb)
Les Âmes Fortes; The Tenth Kingdom; Alice In Wonderland; Space Precinct; Nightbreed; Hellbound: Hellraiser II.

Kimberly Greene (IMDb)
Charlies' Angels.

Kevin Haney (IMDb)
Teresa; Romy And Michele's High School Reunion; Friends; Hocus Pocus; Death Becomes Her.

Pat Hay (IMDb)
Victoria & Albert; Gothic; Dance With A Stranger.

Anne Hieronymus (IMDb)
Mother Teresa: In the Name of God's Poor.

Cecil Holland (IMDb)
The Good Earth; The Mask Of Fu Manchu.

Tom Irvin (IMDb)

John E Jackson (IMDb)
Why Do Fools Fall In Love?.

Sallie Jaye (IMDb)
The Clandestine Marriage: The Revengers' Comedies.

Steve Johnson (IMDb / XFX)
Smallville: Craving (TV); Wu yen ( aka Love On A Diet); Monkeybone; Action (TV); The Shining; The Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All; Return Of The Living Dead 3.

Paul Jones (IMDb)
Wolf Girl; Ginger Snaps; Earth: Final Conflict (TV); F/X: The Series (TV); Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth; Hellbound: Hellraiser II ; Nightbreed.

Reza Karim (IMDb / Crawley Creatures)
An American Werewolf In Paris.

Reiko Kruk (IMDb)
The Perils Of Gwendoline In The Land Of The Yik Yak; Edith Et Marcel.

Robert Kurtzman (IMDb)
Thir13en Ghosts; Spy Kids; The Cell; Vampires; Tales From The Darkside: The Movie.

Ben Lane (IMDb)

Emile LaVigne (IMDb)
Land Of The Pharaohs.

Nick Maley (IMDb / CineSecrets)

Neal Martz (IMDb)
A Beautiful Mind; Warlock.

Wayne Massarelli (IMDb)
Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story.

Todd Masters (IMDb / MastersFX)
Charmed; Emma's Wish; The Shining; Kindred: The Embraced; Younger and Younger.

Rolf Miller (IMDb)

Cheri Minns (IMDb)
Bedazzled; Toys.

Peter Montagna (IMDb)
Warlock; The Princess Bride.

Doug Morrow (IMDb)
Mr Magoo.

Donna Moss (IMDb)
The Bold And The Beautiful.

Matthew W Mungle (IMDb / Official Site / Nu Products)
Girl Interrupted; Blast From The Past; One True Thing; Houdini; Miss Evers' Boys; Liz; Heaven & Earth.

Kenny Myers (IMDb)
How The Grinch Stole Christmas; Back To The Future Part II.

Candace Neal (IMDb)
Eye Of The Beholder.

Ve Neill (IMDb / Ve's Favorite Brushes)
Artificial Intelligence: AI; Blow; How The Grinch Stole Christmas; Hook; Edward Scissorhands.

Cheryl Nick (IMDb)
Charlies' Angels.

Gregory Nicotero (IMDb)
Thir13en Ghosts; Spy Kids; The Cell; Vampires; Tales From The Darkside: The Movie.

Ben Nye (IMDb)
The President's Lady.

Ben Nye Jr (IMDb)
Monkeybone; Blast From The Past; Krippendorf's Tribe.

Dominique-Henri Plez (IMDb / Official Site)

Ashlee Petersen (IMDb)
Eye Of The Beholder; Breast Men; Truman; The Stand.

Jack P Pierce (IMDb)
Captive Wild Woman; Dracula's Daughter; Bride Of Frankenstein.

Victoria Pocock (IMDb)
Blackadder II.

Charles Porlier (IMDb)
Thir13en Ghosts; Mr Magoo.

Vince Prentice (IMDb)
Legend; Explorers.

Robert Rebele

Susan Reynolds (IMDb)
Frankenstein Unbound; Batman

James Rohland (IMDb)
Wu yen ( aka Love On A Diet).

Morag Ross (IMDb)
Anna And The King; Orlando.

Alberto De Rossi (IMDb)
Woman Times Seven; Cleopatra.

Wendy Sainsbury (IMDb)
Children Of The Revolution.

Robert J. Schiffer (IMDb)
Cleopatra; The Good Earth.

Sreaming Mad George (IMDb / SMG Effects inc)
Bride Of Re-Animator.

Jan Sewell (IMDb)
Blackadder Back And Forth; The Hour Of The Pig; Absolutely Fabulous.

Aaron Sherman (IMDb / Sherman Labs)
Station Jim; Absolutely Fabulous; French & Saunders.

Jenny Shircore (IMDb)
Blow Dry; Elizabeth.

Christina Smith (IMDb)
Hook (Glenn Close).

Dick Smith (IMDb / Official Site)
Death Becomes Her; Altered States; Burnt Offerings; The Sentinel; The Exorcist; Soldier In Love.

Gordon J Smith (IMDb / FXSmith)
X-Men; Breast Men; Nixon; Truman.

Richard Snell (IMDb)
How The Grinch Stole Christmas; James And The Giant Peach; Alien Nation: Body And Soul.

Rick Stratton (IMDb / Creative Make-up Effects)
How The Grinch Stole Christmas; A Face To Kill For; Alien Nation: The Udara Legacy; Alien Nation: The Enemy Within; Alien Nation: Millennium; Alien Nation: Body and Soul; Alien Nation (TV).

Christopher Tucker (IMDb)
She Wolf of London; High Spirits; Dune; I, Claudius (TV).

Gary J Tunnicliffe (IMDb)
Hellraiser Inferno; Hellraiser Bloodline; Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth; She-Wolf Of London (TV).

William (Bill) Tuttle (IMDb)
Penelope; Lady L; Lili.

Shu Uemura (IMDb)
My Geisha.

Kirsten Veysey (IMDb)
Children Of The Revolution.

Lisa Westcott (IMDb)
Shakespeare In Love; Her Majesty Mrs Brown; The Madness Of King George.

Bud Westmore (IMDb)
Skullduggery; Gambit; Munster, Go Home; The Gal Who Took The West; The Lost Weekend.

Frank Westmore (IMDb)
My Geisha.

Marvin Westmore (IMDb)

Perc Westmore (IMDb)
Munster, Go Home; The Virgin Queen; The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex; The Old Maid.

Wally Westmore (IMDb)
My Geisha; Vertigo; Houdini; To Each His Own; The Lost Weekend; The Great Man's Lady.

Scott Wheeler (IMDb)
Wu yen ( aka Love On A Diet); American Ninja 3: Bloodhunt; Howling II.

David White (IMDb / CarterWhiteFX)
Gormenghast (TV).

Stan Winston (IMDb / Official Site)
Heartbeeps; Dead & Buried; An Evening With Diana Ross (TV); Roots (TV); The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittman.

Debbie Zoller (IMDb)
Lost Highway.