
» character » fat faces

updated: Feb 13, 2002

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Wu Yen (aka Love On A Diet)

Sammi checking her lines
fat Mini Mo
intermediate Mini Mo
fat Mini Mo (still)
fat Mini Mo
intermediate Mini Mo
facial prosthetics
my arms don't match
the fatsuit
the gloves
all done

Mini Mo (Sammi Cheng) takes to food in a big way after losing her boyfriend and balloons tover 250lb: then he wants to see her again and she needs to lose weight quickly. Sammi Cheng endured a makeup ordeal for this movie wearing different prosthetics and fatsuits to reflect the stages of her weight lost: and some of exercise scenes must have been sheer hell.

Scott Wheeler and James Rohland of Steve Johnson's XFX created the prosthetics for Sammi's new look: Sammi Andy Lau's fat looks cost some $1m out of a total movie budget of $3.8m. Besides the facial prosthetics and fatsuit, Sammi also wore slip-on silicon gloves to give her thick forearms and pudgy fingers.