
» age makeups » the mid-1990s

updated: Apr 17, 2002

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Breast Men

Emily Procter as Laura Pierson
middle-aged Laura - closeup
middle-aged Laura

Was this meant to be a comedy or a biopic?: I don't think the director or the cast knew and it shows. Anyway the first time I looked at it I dismissed it as trash and overlooked this subtle middle-age prosthetic makeup for Laura Pierson (Emily Procter).

I'm not sure who was responsible for the makeup. I've been told that it was a troubled production and that a new team of Gordon Smith and Brian Penikas was brought in after production had started (and the prep time and budget used up) with Ashlee Petersen applying Emily's makeup. But IMDb credits Roy Knyrim, Jerry Macaluso, and Scott Tebeau for makeup. If anyone can confirm or correct the credits please email me.