A morgue is a collection of photographs. It is often used by
the make-up artist when sketching or sculpting a character. Such
as if you had to age an actor. You could look through the morgue
for pictures of older people and and study the shaps of there
wrinkles for ideas. It is easy to make your own morgue. Start
collecting magazines. Go through the magazines and tear out pictures
of people. You want to look for pictures of
both males & females
different shaped eyes
nose shapes
eyebrow shapes
mouth shapes
face shapes
skin tones
people of different nationalities
different shaped hairlines
pictures of different aged people from babies to elderly
also look for skin textures
Look in womens magazines for special articles on plastic surgery
(especially plastic surgery mishaps), skin problems or diseases
such as moles, rashes. They will often have great pictures with
the articles. Also photography magazines often have many pics
of pople of various ages.
Ask friends and family to save old magazines for you. You may
even want to ask a local Doctor's office or beauty shop if they
will let you have old magazines when there through with them.
What to put your pictures in
My morgue is a 3 ring binder so i can add pics as i find them.
I use a hole punch and then use notebook hole reinforcement sickers
since magazine pages would tear easy and fall out wihout reinforcement.
Also it helps to organize your morgue. I personally have my mogue
categorized by age. Then in each category the pics are put into
groups such as all full face shots, mouths, ears, noses etc. But
you should use whatever system your most comfortable with.