
» horror makeup » the dead

updated: May 10 , 2002

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An American Werewolf In Paris

Julie Bowen
I've got my eye on you
Julie as Amy - before
Amy - after
Amy restless in the morgue

This was a dismal movie, especially when compared to An American Werewolf In London. But I quite liked the progressively decaying makeup on the recently deceased Amy, and especially her eye-popping whistle.

Reza Karim of Crawley Creatures sculpted and applied Julie's makeup. Julie commented on the makeup: I'd go to work at 3:30 in the morning for a 9 o'clock call. The makeup guys were very funny and very sympathetic - there are times when you're sitting in the chair, and you're fine, and then all of a sudden you have an attack of, 'Oh my god, I can't sit for another minute!' and you have to jump around.