
updated: May 15. 2002

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horror makeups

Xantha Radley
Sheryl Lee
Helena Bonham Carter
Sigourney weaver
Barbie Wilde
Linda Blair

mummies, bodies, zombies & ghosts

vampires & the undead

Frankenstein's brides

witches & evil stepmothers

demons, fairies & goblins

the possessed

Sasha Rionda
Yvonne de Carlo
coming soon...
coming soon...
coming soon...
Julie Benz

mutants & monsters

werewolves & other beasts

Buffy & Angel

All too often women in horror movies are just the terrified girlfriends, screaming victims or slasher-fodder. But there are exceptions: witches, monsters, demons, werewolves, mummies, zombies — you name it and some actress has worn the prosthetics to play it.

There is no section on splatter effects as my interest, and therefore the site's, is the transformation of actress into character whether natural or supernatural.