Part II

O.K., so they're placed finally but I still haven't shoveled the dirt around them to make them look as if they just pushed up out of the ground. Dennis stipped down a dancing Macarena Gorilla though and we have its works behind the Mrs. so when a loud noise is made nearby she starts 'dancing' side to side. It would be scary but you can still hear the Macarena being sung so the spook factor is diminished a bit.

Up close with the Mrs.

We didn't want the Mr to feel left out.

Here's the finished gate with the top on it.

Same gate different angle. We're attaching lights to the top of it.  We drilled out the back of the white skulls on top and stuck bulbs in them.  They glow in the dark and this not only illuminates them really well when the lights are on but charges them up so they glow for a while when I shut down the lights at night.  I try to turn it all off by 9 p.m. The modified xmas lights aren't such a nuisance but the 4, 300 watt floodlights tend to offend after a while. I still have two more to put out. Got to have back lighting for the tombstones.

Ah yes, the tombstones. We've six of them on this side of the yard.  We light up their fronts and shine a light from the back to help make them stand out.  It's a pretty good effect at night.

Same shot as above just a few feet farther back.  Brenda's getting good with the camera.

A little farther back and a bit to the right.  I've a 14' spider web to hang from the peak of the roof down to the front edge of the porch and a 5' spider to put on it. Various body parts go on the web as well. I've just not made it onto the roof yet.

I just got the screaming bat skull to hang above this entry way. I'll have the BUNGEE JUMPING SPIDER OF DOOM hanging just inside entry to scare the folks as well.  Always good for a laugh.

Another talking skull.  Yes, this one sings HOT, HOT, HOT too.  Apparently I'm cursed to hear this song through Oct 31st as I seem to be the only one irritated by it.

My newest creation this year.  Scroll down for the close up. It gets worse.

YES!!  One cheap bird bath, a garbage can lid turned upside down, a pile of skulls, one very worn fountain pump and a whole lot of red food dye.  Even the die-hard joggers stop when they see this. If anything causes a wreck in front of our house this will be it.  I've even rigged a drop light into the back of another skull in front of this so it's lit up at night for all to see.  

And this is why we do it.  People seem to get a real kick out of the whole thing.  These folks had driven by several times and finally just parked their car and walked down to check it out. We'd probably have been done a week ago but every few minutes we have to stop and explain what the heck we were doing.  I've taken to working in the dark at night to try and be done by the 30th.  We've still got coffins to put out as well as severed heads, skeletons and other stuff that we'll just make up as we go. Things like the fountain of blood weren't on the original plan.  I got a wild hair after reading about putting skulls in a bird bath and just leaving them sit there.  Being the Fritsch that I am, I thought, "Hey, we can top that", and I think we did.

See the assembly work here-->> Page 1:halloween99.html  

See more of the props and progress here-->>Page 3:halloween3.html

let me know what you think.