Just beyond the breech...

...they stumble upon the lifeless body of the professor, his companion's father!

It appears Daddy's ethics were ultimately no match for his fantasies of fabulous wealth and limitless power!

No time to delay ! Before them stand a pair of massive gold doors. The Pharoah's tomb !

They force the doors open to reveal the untouched burial case of Pharoah !

They push away the gold and jewel encrusted lid. . . and there. . . inside... on Pharoah's chest rests the Amulet, aglow with the power of the ages ! Indy removes it, then joins his companion and Abdul as they examine the Amulet and the rest of the burial chamber...

Unknown to them, the mummy begins to stir... his eyes begin to open, yellow and wide !


He's back from his immortal sleep
to reclaim his gift from Ra !