Dialogue Lines

From the demented folks at Netherworld, here's a list of possible lines of dialogue they are workng on for this season...

To aid in character creation I thought about a few character types and made up or remembered lines I have said or heard before. What do you think? Add some of your own to the thread! - Dr. Speculo:

The Sharer:
Wants to give the patrons something horrible they don't want:
"Would you like a taste of my nice juicy intestines? Nice and fresh just like Sushi!" (Ben)
"Look at my roaches! I have too manyDO YOU WANT ONE? They need a good
"Want to pet my snake? He won't bite you, I PROMISE! You can trust me! (Ben)"
"I want to show you somethingcome with me I want to show you somethingIt's a secret.I'LL GET MY SHOVEL" (Ben)
"Open up your hands I want to give you something, I found it in the darkits wet be careful, its slippery!" (Ben)
"Want a booger?" ( Famous HH Actor)
'I'm gonna make you some possum stew just like momma usta make" (Icabod)
"I will bring you much pleasure!" (Adolpha)

The Dominator:
Tells the patrons to do something horrible they don't want to do:
"Touch meI want you to touch mebecause they tell me that if you touch me I can touch you and I want to touch you! (Anthony)
"Come with me! Get into the cage! Now Scream Scream SCREAM!" (Ben)
"Get in the SackIts warm and dark in the sack.things wiggle deep down in my sack. (Ben)
"Lick the Brain! You know you want to! All your friends are doing it!" (Ben)
"(offers hand to shake wearing wet rubber glove/methocel) How are you doing? Me, I'm working on an autopsy.." (DreamReapers/Ben)
"Kiss the Pig! Squeal like a Pig" (David)
"Bring Me The Females!" (Ben)
"(Chained guest) Look here I have a fine catch, she's a nice prize!" (Vascul)

The Questioner:
Asks the patrons questions they don't want to hear:
"What's your name? Where do you live? Do you live alone? Can I come and visit?"(Ben)
"Can I follow you home? I don't take up much space.but there is the maggot problem!"(Ben)
"What do your insides look like eh? Purple, or redI bet they are red very redlets see!"(Ben)
"Why are you here? Did you come to give her too me? I will take good care of her; She will look niceon a hook! (Ben)
"Where is my Pony?" (Anthony)
"Did you touch My Tombstone? Someone Touched my Tombstone! Who Touched my Tombstone!!?"(Ben)
"Why do you run from medo you find me repulsive?" (Ben)

The Pleader:
Begs the Patrons not to do something
"No don't go in there please don't go in there!" (Ben)
"Don't look at me..I am repulsive! Please don't look at me. (When curiosity
draws them close then attack!) (Ben)
"Oh NoYou are going to die in there.I beg you.don't go! (Ben)
"Don't leave me behind pleaseDon't leave me! (Ben)
The Threatener:
"I'm going to rip your liver out though your nostrils!" (Geoff Beck)
"I'm gonna bury you behind the barn Boy" (Glatzer)

The guide/ warn'er:
Tells the customer what will happen to them if they go somewhere
They's gonna rip out your intestines and use em to drag you around like a dawg with a chew toy. (Anthony)
Theys gonna pop out your eyes and eat em like grapes (Anthony)
Come with me, I know a way out for you, just let me get my things.. (Grabs chainsaw)
There's only one way out of here, feet first! (Anthony)

Angus Black:
Here are some of the lines I have found usful working the line outside Netherworld:
"You will notice the line that is leaving, is much shorter than the line going in....."
"How long does it take to go through? Well, that all depends on how quickly you can run, child."
"The wait from here is about thirty minutes, but worry not, the line goes quickly. My but you are in a hurry to die. I like that."

Gross Granny Lines
Lines: Go clumping loudly with walker after folks with that walker, "come here cutie, give us a smooch!" make rude kissy lips at them showing off her pretty 2 teeth, and slobber black icker at them. (and pray none takes her up on it.) What would be a good formal for the black icker? Chewed Oreos? (let a bib on the dress catch it all so no slippage on floor and will look grosser.)
"Oh what a sweet tasty looking young thing, just the right size for my cooking pot."
"Trim my toenails",
"Don't go, I'm lonely, stay longer" (chase after them) ::clump, clump clump::
"The bag needs changing." (or depends...)
"They removed my Colon, they let me keep it, want to see?" ::holds up rubber intestine::
"Is that you son?" ::clump, clump:: "Where have you been? Why did you run away like that? Go clean your room. Bring my supper. No flimsy wire coathangers..."
"Ooooh, he looks JUST like my husband. You know, he's dead too."
"Oh, aren't you a sweetie! I could just eat you up!"-IK
The line would have to be delivered right. The kind, sweet, granny voice: "Oh, aren't you a sweetie!" Vicious aggressive deep gravel predator faster talk: "I could just eat you up!"
i have found that the line "hey you're really cute" works really well if you have a large group of alpha males because you can get them off guard and then they get nailed by the next scare they were expecting
how about " did you know that kids taste like chicken ?"
and also "my playthings, you brought me playthings "

Line: The Bugs are everywhere...In my Mind! - Rudy
Line: Get in my sack, its dark inside and slimy! -Kat
Line: Lick the Brain - All your friends are doing it! - Crainiac

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