RideZone Contact Information

Please read the following before sending email to RideZone

RideZone is NOT affiliated with
any amusement park

AOL users read here

Please make sure your email settings are such that you can receive email from RideZone. Our email is NOT sent from an AOL account. If your email settings are such that email is rejected from our servers, you will not receive a reply from RideZone.

Please do not ask for free or discounted tickets, prices, entertainment schedules or operating hours

We are not the park and therefore do not always have the latest information. Please see the parks website or contact them by phone or mail.

Information RideZone may be able to provide

  • Historical information about a park
  • Information about a specific ride

Contacting RideZone

Due to the large volume of email, it may be several weeks until you receive a reply.

Please use the following addresses when contacting RideZone

info@ridezone.com To request or submit information or errors
webmaster@ridezone.com To address problems with site operation

Other editor and contributor contacts may be available upon request

© 1999 Joel W Styer. All rights reserved. Updated Friday, October 01, 1999
RideZone is not affiliated in any way with the Amusement Parks listed at this site