Travis Woolley
January 20, 1998
Mr Chris Trotter
Intersphere Lasergames
3101 104th St. Suite 4
Urbandale, IA 50322
Dear Chris:
- I cannot thank you enough for your
time, devotion, and honesty. I have researched the laser tag industry for
two years. I can easily and honestly say that working with Intersphere has
been fantastic. It has been comforting to know that when you said I would
receive a fax at 11:00 am, I had it at 10:55 am. Your attention to detail
and your seemingly manic fixation with "completing the mission"
have instilled me with a strong feeling of trust. In the laser tag industry
trust is a particularly valuable commodity.
I would also like to extend my thanks to your staff as well. Chris Trotter,
although new, was tirelessly friendly and helpful. Cory Abbas was fiercely
determined to teach me everything I needed to know about software and equipment.
Last, but certainly not least, was Todd Ferson; a gracious host and "all
around good guy".
Once again, thanks for everything and keep up the good work!
Sincerely yours,
Travis Woolley
Intersphere Laser games / Request Additional Information / Comments and Questions to info@lasertag.com