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Jade and Ingrid Siddoway

318 S. 1000 W.
Blackfoot, ID 83221
August 14, 1998

Intersphere USA
3101 104th Street Suite 4
Urbandale, IA 50322

Dear Intersphere:

Ingrid and I just want to take a minute and express our appreciation for the efforts of the entire Intersphere staff in assisting us through our research and development stages.

As you are aware, we looked at many different laser tag manufacturers prior to making our final decision to sign with Intersphere USA. As we muddled through Intersphere's competitors, we were becoming more and more discouraged and began doubting our decision to open a laser tag facility. Many companies looked good on paper, but when we requested additional information or visited their sites, it became painfully obvious their ideas of quality and ours were far apart. Our trip to Des Moines was to be our last. Discouraged about what we had seen to that point, we were very pessimistic about the trip, and were on the verge of canceling to avoid throwing good money after bad. After a conversation with Steve, however, we decided too much time had been invested to just give up on our dream, and Steve promised we would not be disappointed this time.

As it turned out, we had saved the best for last. Unknowingly, we had positioned Intersphere to be the light at the end of our tunnel. If we had visited Intersphere first, maybe we could have saved ourselves some time and money, but then we might always wonder what the competition had to offer that we missed out on. As it worked out, we personally experienced the shortfalls of the competition, which made Intersphere that much more impressive, and gives us confidence for fending off competitors in the future.

Without a doubt, Intersphere would have come out on top no matter where they fell in our research schedule. In our opinion, the following are what make Intersphere superior in the lasergame industry:

As for the development of our company to date: all I can say is we wouldn't be on the verge of realizing our dream if it wasn't for the Intersphere personnel. Both Steve and Scott have been invaluable. They have made themselves available to us any time, day or night. Whenever we have a question, the answer is only a phone call away. At times, especially when trying to secure a location or financing, progress has bogged down and it has been difficult not to get discouraged. During these times Scott and Steve have proven to be more than just businessmen, they have been friends. Not only do they call frequently to ask what they can to do help keep things rolling, but they provide words of encouragement and let us know that what we are going through is not unusual and that we are not alone in the process.

Todd Heuermann: One couldn't ask for a more effective member on their team. When he visited Idaho Falls, he looked at our three possible sites, helped us determine the most promising of the three, and then worked with our architect to get the design process underway. What he accomplished in two days would have taken us weeks to complete. Because of his familiarity with our location, Todd has been able to give us guidance on negotiating lease terms and construction costs. Having seen several of Todd's current designs, I am confident that he will meet the challenges of our site and will provide a design that will directly lead to a successful, lucrative facility. In fact, after talking with Todd at great length, we believe he enjoys a challenging project, which is good, because our 14-year-old son and his creative imagination will truly test the skills of Todd and the special effects crew.

In closing, we would like to thank everyone from Intersphere who has had a part in getting us to this point. We look forward to completing the project and continuing a successful relationship with Intersphere USA, long into the future. Perhaps the best compliment we can pay the Intersphere team is this: If asked the question "If you had the opportunity to do it all again, would you do it, and would you do it with Intersphere?" Our answer would be a resounding "YES!"

We are proud to be a part of the Intersphere family. Thank you for all your efforts.

Jade and Ingrid Siddoway

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