![[ Intersphere -- Operational Training ]](images/traininghead.gif)
Training Procedures
for New Site Operators
I. Introduction
- Tour facility
- Explanation of the experience
offered to a customer as they come into the center, purchase a game, hear an orientation,
etc. (This can be omitted if the persons are well versed and knowledgeable of the
laser tag industry.)
- Introduction to the backgrounds
of the various individuals who shall be conducting the training throughout the week.
- Handout of all written manuals
and material for them to read in the evening.
- Stress the importance of becoming
very familiar with the packs and their care.
- Play laser tag at least once.
(This can be omitted if the persons have played Intersphere equipment many times
II. Pack Introduction
- Explanation of how the system
works between the packs, wall units, and main computer and modem.
- Demonstrations on how the packs
should react when all things are running normally.
- Demonstration on taking the pack
and gun apart and describing each individual part and their function(s).
- Assist in putting the disassembled
pack and handset back together.
- Demonstration of the pack diagnostics
that should be run everyday.
- Demonstration of the parts inside
of the Charger and Wall Unit.
- Running over the various common
problems that can happen and quick fixes to remedy them.
III. Briefing Introduction
- Demonstrations of various briefing
- Going over the briefing outline
to show what must be said in the end for an effective briefing.
- Initial practice of briefing one
IV. Software
- Introduction to Win 95.
- Explanation of the file structure
where the LaZerware files are found on the computer.
- Explanation and demonstration
of the Log and Password files.
- Explanation and demonstration
of the Playgame.exe.
- Explanation and demonstration
of the Editgame.exe.
V. Gatemaster Introduction (if
facility is using Gmaster)
- Explanation and demonstration
of all Gatemaster functions.
VI. Hands on Experience
- Shadowing crewmembers as an arena
marshal, briefer, and front desk worker.
- Working the actual positions of
all crew members while watched by a certified crewmember.
- Every morning, doing the pack
diagnostics while being observed and then doing the repairs as needed while being
VII. Management
- Hiring and firing crewmembers,
and keeping the good ones.
- Structure of management.
- Breakdown of expected expenses
and revenues.
- Cash and deposit procedures.
- Scheduling procedures.
- Marketing ins and outs
- Leagues and Memberships.
- Music choices.
- Arcade tips and procedures.
- Security

Intersphere Laser games / Request Additional Information / Comments and Questions to info@lasertag.com