I started with 2" thick foam board glued together to form a block that would be carved down to form the head...

I drew the basic shapes I want to carve out with marker. This helped keep the sides uniform. A dremel tool was used to do most for the shaping...

This is the basic shape of the head before the hoses, teeth and other misc. items are installed...

Well as you can see I skipped alot of pics during the building process. It's body is constructed from pvc pipe and fittings covered with layers of spray foam and different size corrugated hoses...

Full view in it's upright position ...

This is the lifting part behind it's body. The can of paint it sitting there for added weight to the base. I used two concrete blocks for the big night. It takes two stormdoor closer to lift the alien at 105psi. I got the idea for the lift from Cliff's Haunted Projects. His site is in the links section back on the main page...

I used coat hanger wire for the frame work in the hands. Then applied layers of foam and formed it around each finger before it was totally dry...

Here are the teeth in clay which I made silicone molds from and cast the final set with Por-a-cast from Monster Makers. Also in the links section...

Good side view. The head was coated with a thick layer of epoxy for protection and strength. Then the entire body was sprayed with gray latex primer before the final airbrushing...

After airbrushing...

These are egg pods made form 16" balloons and spray foam insulation. When completely dry the balloons are popped. I ran dryer duct to two of the pod and blew fog through them ...

Airbrushed semi open pod...

I poured epoxy resin into the cavities and down the sides for an oozing effect. . . too real!

Open pod... The top part of the eggs where formed using cardboard packing triangles used to protect kitchen cabinet corners during shipping...

Air powered face hugger. The three hoses in the snout whip around. Really makes them jump when looking at him upclose!!!

We added three more egg pods.... this shows the original three.

This is the inner jaw/teeth extended out from the outer teeth. I used another stormdoor closer and pvc pipe to created the movement. I added a few strips of silicone to the sides of the outer jaw for looks...

With the added lighting effects, fog, plus two soundtracks we had quite a few kids screaming and made several adults jumpy! THE BIG PAYOFF!!!!!!

This is how I constructed the light beacon towers. Two 5 gallon buckets, one cut in half and screwed to the bottom of the other. Painted black with latex house paint.

Its hard to get good pics in the lighting I used through out the project. This gives you the basic idea.

I used a Wagner wallpaper steamer to create a venting steam pipe effect between the eggs.

If you think this is cool check out H.R. Giger's works. He is the designer/artist behind the Alien Movies. Well worth looking into!!!

Carwl backLurk onward
