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Quicktime mov files comming soon

DC Cemetery
2001 (1)
Stump Jumper Mourner
(night shot)
Skeletal Organist
(Chest Cage)
Un-Dead Coffin

DC Cemetery
2001 (2)

Stump Jumper
(Night Shot)
Mourner (side shot) Skeletal Organist
(Glowing Organist)
Un-Dead Coffin
DC Cemetery
2001 (3)
Rocking Chair Pop Out Corpse Skeletal Organist
(Night Shot)
Un-Dead Coffin
(Night Shot)
Un-Earthed Coffin Rocking Chair 2 Fog  

If any of you are interested, we also have a full length video that is availiable for purchase.
Were not trying to make a profit off of this, so we sell the video for just enough to cover our cost.
The video is $5.00 with an additionl $5.00 for shipping (UPS). At this time only VHS is availiable, sorry DVD lovers.

Heres the specs on the video:

The video is 18 minutes long and features all of our props in action in both a regular dark atmosphere and another segment in night shot. It is professionally edited and compiled with music and custom tracks from Mark Harvey of Pumpkinland studios/ So if your interested the purchase button is below. Contact me if you prefer not to use paypal.
Thanks and enjoy

Full Instructions for most of our props available in the DC Prop Builders Handbook
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