I have always been extremly unhappy with our 2 outer gate columns, so after seeing Scare Factory's drop panels at transworld '02, I decided to give my own versions a shot.

Originally I designed the drop panels to fall 14" due to some cylinders I already had laying around. After building a test frame, I realized that 14" sounds like a good drop, but in action, it sucks. Also it provided a drop that would only expose half the corpse that was behind it. I also wanted to have the corpse pop out or extremly close to the opening, but the 14" opening just wouldnt suffice.

So the next step was to either order a pair of 24" cylinders, or design a set of scissor mechanisms to achieve the same 20-24" travel I was aiming for. Of course I had to do it the hard way to prove I could do it. So I designed a scissor lift mechanism that worked out perfectly. The scissor opperates off of a 1.25" bore 8" stroke cylinder was kinda trickey to engineer, but provided a perfect movement. I agree the use of a 20-24" cylinder would have been alot easier, and im sure would have been in the same price range, but I was also concerned that the repeated impact of the wood slamming into the metal woudl eventually destroy the panel. So with this design the board getting damaged was never a concern, but having the guides on the scissor take all the impact, the only worry I ever had was of the bolts sheering off. So to steer away from that possible problem I over engineered the scissor and used 1/2" bolts and added a spring to aid in its return. after 5 days of constant firing, I never ran into one problem.

Another worry did come up though regarding the panel again. I was worried that constant firing would eventually wear down the edges of the panel, so I opted to attach 3/4" metal "L" bars to the sides, which were held in place by 2 strips of 1" polyethelene. It woorked out great, added a cool metal to metal scraping sound upon travel, and will last much longer then a wood to metal relationship.

So below are a couple pictures of its working parts, so check em out.

Oh I almost forgot the best part of the project. I added a 1 gallon aircannon inline with the drop panel, so not only did you get a loud bang from the panel and a sudden introduction of a corpse, but the viewers were also slammed in the feet by a huge loud blast of air. We had everyone startled with that one, even if they knew it was comming. It was great.



Video of the drop panels in action will be comming soon.

Full Instructions will be available in the second DC Prop Builders Handbook
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