McCoy's Guide to Theatre and Performance Studies

This Guide is maintained by:
Ken McCoy, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Communication Studies and Theatre Arts
Stetson University
DeLand, Florida 32720

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 by Ken McCoy. All Rights Reserved.
Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by academic computer centers, computer conferences, individual scholars, and libraries. This message must appear on all copied material. All commercial use requires permission.

The ILShakeFest Font used in the creation of the title is freeware, thanks to Pete Guither and Scott Mann (Illinois State University).




In 1993, when I first began to research theatre sites on the internet, it was a difficult and laborious project. Sites were hard to find, search engines were underdeveloped, there were very few theatre people who had taken an interest in, or even knew about the internet. Obviously, things have changed. There is now such a thing as the World Wide Web, which is easily accessible through a variety of web browsers, making knowledge of such utilities as telnet, ftp, and gopher somewhat obsolete, or at least redundant.

There are now so many theatre-related sites that keeping a truly comprehensive guide to resources theatre on the internet, compiled and maintained through human intervention, is incredibly time-consuming. The area of performance studies is even more of a problem, with its incursions into popular culture, communication studies, and hundreds of other (legitimate!) tangents. (In case you think I'm exaggerating, between January and June of 1996, I had 102 new sites to check out and evaluate for possible inclusion in this guide).

The proliferation of search engines and form-compatible databases on the WWW now makes finding a comprehensive listing of links fairly easy for a single user. Of course, access to such an expanse of information raises its own problems, which I am attempting to address in the present edition of this guide.

This edition of my Brief Guide to Internet Resources in Theatre and Performance Studies has undergone what I consider to be a major revision. It is based on what I have learned as a seeker of information on the internet, mainly, how to quickly find information and resources in a medium where the sheer quantity of resources is overwhelming. As a researcher in search of that one piece of information, I find myself turning again and again to the same information sources, engaging in the same techniques, and using the tools at my disposal in similar ways.

In previous versions, I have struggled to keep a balance between brief and comprehensive. In this version, I have decided to give the advantage to brief, with the exception of email listing services (listservs) . Since web browsing is at least mildly incompatible with how email lists work, I continue to strike that balance here. In other words, I am attempting to live up to the title of this document as a guide to resources rather than a listing of them.


What's not in this guide

In order to achieve this objective, some omissions have been necessary. I consider this a good thing. Usually, when browsing through sites, I tend to encounter the same links repeatedly and therefore run myself around in circles. Although this sort of "empirical" research is sometimes desirable, it is inefficient (not to mention frustrating) as a first recourse. Therefore, I have privileged those sites that do offer comprehensive listings, that offer something unique or interesting, that are somewhat off the beaten path, or that serve as significant examples of well-managed and productive sites.

I have opted not to list commercial organizations (such as actor databases) or sites that simply repeat services or resources. (Just a note: for actors who want to find these resources, simply submit a form to a search engine with the arguments "actor," "casting," and/or "headshot" and you will be swamped with information). I have also chosen to omit most regional theatres and organizations, unless they offer significant resources (internet or other). For example, I do not include the ANYWHERE, USA THEATRE COMPANY, but I do include the National Endowment for the Arts at the Kennedy Center, AisleSay production reviews, and many playwriting pages (since these latter often include new, unpublished, and/or original works).



This edition marks the beginning of a new format idea I have decided to try: the practice of compiling periodic updates - a "what's new" page - rather than engaging in a revision of the whole document. This helps make my task more manageable, and also allows for some of the comprehensiveness to be injected back into the process.

Although I have composed this version of the guide as a hypertext document, a plain-text ASCII version will continue to be available, as will the updates.



This guide is not meant to be an introduction to the internet itself. I am assuming that the reader will have a working knowledge of a web browser; be able to formulate, understand, or at least use Uniform Resource Locator (URL) addresses; send and receive email; and perform other basic tasks associated with the medium.


Submitting a site

Since going hypertext with this guide, I have begun to receive regular missives from webmasters asking that their site be included in my guide. In order for us all to better utilize our time, I have composed the following criteria for a site to be considered for inclusion in subsequent versions of my guide. The site should:

  1. offer something unique or interesting (not offered by any other site);
  2. provide valuable research tools (such as book, article, or play indexes);
  3. provide a comprehensive listing of theatre or performance studies resources; and/or
  4. be off the beaten path, that is, unlikely to be found in a quick search engine query.

The reader will no doubt find exceptions to these guidelines within the body of this guide. Since I am a human editor, I reserve the right to bend the rules and use my own judgement in making these determinations.

- Ken McCoy


Start Here

This section contains the resources that I consult most often and that yield the best results. Be sure to look carefully at this section before continuing, since the resources in it are not repeated later (that would be redundant).* FAQ Starting point
Frequently asked questions of the usenet* hierarchy of newsgroups. If you're new to the internet, you should read it.

Theatre Central
This is probably the best-maintained and most comprehensive single site on the subject of theatre, providing hundreds of links to theatre-related resources of all stripes. It includes a directory of Theatre Professionals on the Internet (email addresses, bios, etc.), casting news, production listings, and even a journal. The site's creator, wunderkind Andrew Kraft, updates regularly.

ELAC Theatre Arts Online Library
The East Los Angeles College Theatre Arts Library is a very well-designed and comprehensive depository of academic theatre resources on the internet, including plays and playwrights, history, education, career, periodicals and news, and links to other resources.

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Theatre and Drama
A collection of theatre links, whose scope aims for the multi-cultural and multi-lingual. Its most remarkable features are its index to plays available on the internet (in several languages) and a syllabus bank.

Centre of Theatre Practice
A "digital site for performance research" at Murdoch University (Australia). Documentation, information, and contacts to Kaos Theatre events, HyperScrap, a performance bibliography clearinghouse, and research databases, and other links. Also home to LIMEN, a journal dedicated to the performance paradigm, and KAOS CYBERSTATION, an informal and transient weekly gathering of performance people interested in the theory and practice of cyberspace in a MOO/MUD/CHAT - type environment.

KAOS CAFE Telnet Tips:

The Internet Magazine of Stage Reviews and Opinions, covering New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Melbourne, and more, with frequent updates and additions.

Screenwriters and Playwrights: On Charles Deemer's Home-Page
A very informative and educational source for advice and resources for writers, including original plays for the stage and screen.

The Foundation Center
An information resource for grantseekers and grantmakers, including fund-raising libraries, a digest, and publcations. This is a site with lots of graphics, but a "low-bandwidth" version is available to cut past the frills to the information.

Lighting Links
A very good collection of links to lighting resources and much more; very comprehensive and nicely presented. It even includes links to software. Maintained by Andy Ciddor with help from the Kilowatt Co.

Index of Knots
From the Australian Scouts, all kinds of knots, with pictures! For when I can't remember how the rabbit goes around the tree, in the hole, etc.

Online Book Page
An index to online books and other documents, with links to other electronic text sites, indexes, and more.

CARL UnCover Service
An online index to (printed) journal articles. Citations are provided for free, although they will fax articles to you, for a fee.

LANIC -- Latin American Network Information Center (University of Texas).
UT-LANIC provides access to library catalogs, networks (redes), databases, FTP and email archives (including the Latin American Information Base), and more in and concerning Latin America. The amount of information is immense. Since my area of research interest is Latin American Theatre, I often find it invaluable (in locating play and production reviews published in newspapers, for example).

The Internet Movie Database
It's just too useful not to include, especially for finding lists of performers, synopses of their movies, awards won, and other good stuff.

Well, these are the resources that I consult most often. After reading through the many more that follow, be sure to look at the Other Guides section of this document for a more comprehensive tour of the internet theatre world. It may also help your search to take a look at some other pages I (or my students!) have put together.

If you are looking for something specific, you might also want to try a search engine. Although there are dozens of them, the two I tend to use the most are Lycos and Yahoo.


World Wide Web Resources by Topic

Actors and Acting

Acting Workshop Online
Includes a very comprehensive set of links to acting and related topics.

Buzz Communications Center Stage
A site that features free casting notices, bulletin board, tips for actors and discounted services.

Improv Page
A clearinghouse for information and links about improvisational theatre.

The Online Communicator
Essentially a site devoted to listing resources for the Entertainment Industry, the Talent section of this site lists resources useful to performers, such as information on unions, vocal production, tongue twisters, audition resources, and more.

This page has contact details for Theatresports (competitive improvisational theatre games) around the world and announcements of shows and activities in Australia.

Jeremy Whelan's New School Acting
Although it's a site that offers several books for purchase, it also provides several lengthy sample chapters, and provides, all told, an interesting and well-articulated revisionist approach to the art of acting.


Stagecraft and Technical Theatre

The Character Shop
A company that specializes in animatronics, makeup effects, puppets, and robotics for film. Although it is a little self-aggranding (well, it is a business, after all), it also includes two very good resources: an FX Glossary and FX FAQ.

ESTA: Entertainment Services and Technology
A non-profit trade association representing the North American entertainment technology industry.

Lighting & Electronics
Features safety guides, math formulas for lighting designers and electricians, links to news services and magazines, and a problem/solution page, in which solutions to common and not-so-common lighting problems are discussed.

The International Organisation of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians, an umbrella organization with links to all of its member organizations (USITT, CITT and more).

Pennsylvania State University Theatre Lighting Archive
Includes an itinerary of documents held at Penn State on the subject of lighting and stage technology. The documents are not accessible directly on the internet, but they can be requested from the Department. Also includes a lighting bibliography.

TECHnically Speaking
A home for the theatre technician. Includes a theatre terms glossary.

The Theatre Design and Tech Jobs Page
A free online jobs bulletin board.

Information about USITT programs, commissions, sections, publications, awards, scholarships and officers.


Plays and Playwrights

The Audrey Skirball-Kenis Theatre (ASK) Theatre
ASK is a Los Angeles based non-profit playwright service organization that offers free programs and publications.

Dramatic Exchange
"The Dramatic Exchange is a directory on the Caltech ftp site dedicated to archiving and distributing scripts. We hope to provide a place for playwrights to 'publish' and distribute their plays, a place for producers to find new plays they might want to produce, and a place for anyone who is interested in drama to browse."

Cervantes Project
An excellent site devoted to the Spanish Golden Age playwright, with academic articles, indices, images, a local search engine, and links to related sites. It should prove very useful to the online researcher.

The Anton Chekhov Page
Includes links to other pages on Chekhov and/or his plays, as well as some of his plays available online in Russian and stories in English translation.

E-SCRIPT (frames) or E-SCRIPT (no frames)
E-script is an interactive scriptwriting workshop for playwrights and screenwriters at all experience levels. The site also includes virtual Q & A sessions and archives with professionals in TV, theare, and film.

Essays on the Craft of Dramatic Writing
Bill Johnson's essays on the craft of dramatic writing. Online features also include book reviews and a Q&A.

The InkWell: for screenwriters
For screenwriters, News, Views, a glossary of terms and even a promised FAQ on screenwriting.

New Dramatists
A clearinghouse for new playwriting talent, offering "workshops and readings with professional actors and directors, dramaturgy and panel discussions, writers' studios, a national script distribution service, a comprehensive theatre library," and more. An interesting recent addition is the A. Weissberger Photo Gallery, featuring photos of prominent entertainers of the twentieth century.

Northwest Playwrights Guild
Features articles on playwrighting from the Guild publication Script, as well as information on theatre in the Northwest USA.

Piezas Teatrales
A page of new plays in Spanish, downloadable for reading.

Playwright's Project
The Playwrights Project is a not for profit organization that aims to "reforest the American Theatre through better writing." To date, there is not much available online except descriptiions of the project and a few links.

Playwriting Seminars
This site is essentially a 210-page manual of the playwright's craft, with an "inevitable excursion into film." It is a very informative and thought-provoking guide to many playwriting issues.

Small-Cast One-Act Play Guide
A companion to the print-published index, this continually updated site aims to access "playwrights, their scripts, and related sundries." It includes indices of small-cast one-act plays sorted by cast size/gender, title, and author, a glossary of terms, reference sources for playwrights, and even script analyses.

tGp: The Goldsmiths Playlist
tGp is a database of contemporary plays and musicals in the English language compiled by the Drama Dept. of Goldsmiths College at the University of London. It is designed to serve both playwrights and theatre producers, and aims to be the most comprehensive site for play scripts in the English language. Use of the searchable database requires (free) registration.



Illinois Shakespeare Festival Online
In addition to being a very well-organized set of pages, the ISF hosts a Shakespeare Truetype Font, scholarly Articles and more. As an excellent example of how the web can be useful and easy on the eyes, the site is a must.

Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
An annotated guide to the scholarly Shakespeare resources on the Internet, this site includes much hard-to-find information and a list of "five star" Shakespeare sites.

The Rebuilding of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
This site by Camden Lock (C'LOCK) in the UK features a virtual tour of the rebuilt Globe.

Ren Faire: Elizabethan Accents
A very interesting page that is part of a site devoted to Renaissance Faires. It includes sections on pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, forms of address, insults and cursing, all aimed toward the improvisational use of Elizabethan English. A particularly interesting feature is a collection of sound files with Elizabethan pronunciations of some words.

Shakespeare Authorship
"Dedicated to the Proposition that Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare," this site is devoted to a critical examination of Oxfordian claims on the authorship of Shakespeare's plays. It also includes numerous links to other sites related both to the controversy and to Shakespeare in general.

Shakespeare Globe USA Library
Shakespeare continues to be a poopular subject for academic resources. This page is an excellent addition to the ranks. It includes annotated links to Shakespeare texts, academic articles, web experiments, and more, in both high- and low-bandwidth versions.

Shakespeare Resources
This is an excellent page of Shakespeare-related features.

Shakespeare Web
According to the editors (the Shenandoah Shakespeare Express touring company, James Madison University), this is "an interactive hypermedia environment dedicated to the increasingly popular understanding of Shakespeare's plays and other works." Its most interesting feature is "Shakespeare Queries & Replies From Web Surfers," which is temporarily off line as of August 1997 (although a mountain of past submissions are still accessible).

Writing Company Shakespeare
As a division of Social Studies School Service, the Writing Company site brings teachers of writing, English, and other language arts an online catalog for browsing materials for use in the classroom. It also features a nice set of links to Shakespeare sites.


Non-profit theatre and arts organizations

American Arts Alliance
The Advocacy Page of the American Arts Alliance provides "advocacy information and tools for arts supporters to communicate the need for continued federal support of the arts to their senators and representatives."

ACT: American Community Theatre
A page for community theatres; home of the ACT Handbook.

The mission of ArtsEdge is "to help artists, teachers, and students gain access to and/or share information, resources, and ideas that support the arts as a core subject area in the K12 curriculum". This mission has given rise to several programs of interest, including a news digest and archive, links to sites in the arts and education, and a calendar of Conferences, Contests, Grants, Requests for Papers, and Job Listings, and the Community Center bulletin board.

The Arts Management Information Service. ArtsNet provides services and information relating to arts management and cultural resources on the Internet. Features include links to Development Resources, Career Services, and Arts Management Resources as well as a Development Database and On Broadway

ArtsUSA (Arts Education)
ArtsUsa is the homepage of the Americans for the Arts, the advocacy arm of the American Council for the Arts and the National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies. Includes ACA Catalog of books, the ArtsUSA Cafe discussion group, grant-writing and legal information, and Arts Advocacy resources. An excellent site.

Arts Wire
A program of the New York Foundation for the Arts, Arts Wire is a communications network for the arts community. Its diverse offerings include a limited job list, news on legislation and advocacy groups, and links to other arts-related resources and organizations.

The US Government promises to email you research and education funding opportunities according to your areas of interest.

NEA Homepage
The National Endowment for the Arts.

World Wide Arts Resources
An impressive inventory of (mostly visual arts) resources that includes a searchable database, some dance links, links to arts organizations, and an ARTS SITE OF THE DAY.


Of Regional Interest

Chicago Theatre from Studio Z
Dan Zellner's page on Chicago theatre, with articles, play bills, reviews from the Chicago Reader, and links.

East Coast Community Theater Exchange
This page is set up as a forum for the free exchange of ideas for working members of community theater groups on all aspects of community theatre.

London Calling
Includes news, articles, listings, and reviews on the subject of London theatre.

London Theatre Guide
Concentrating on theatres that are members of the Society of London Theatre: "the main 46 top theatres" of the West End.

Best of London Theater
Lists the big shows with graphics, and includes links to other London Theatre sites.

Lou's Place - [Home of the South Florida Theatre Scene]
Includes a listing of currently playing shows in So. Florida, as well as a modest set of links to other theatre resources.

Northern Actors Centre
Theatre in the north of England, Scotland and Wales, including news about the Edinburgh International Festival and other festivals and links.

On Broadway
This page lists all the shows currently playing on Broadway with prices, schedules, and theatre locations. Now including Tony Award listings. Also includes a summary of the current broadway season's openings and closings. Edited and maintained by Joseph Geigel.

San Francisco Buzz
Theatre/movie reviews, calendar of events, and other information pertinent to theatre in San Francisco.

Theatre Mirror, Boston's Live Theater Guide
This eclectic and witty guide starts with and focuses on Boston, Massachussetts, but also expands its coverage of quality links to the rest of the globe. Lots of information, few "bells and whistles."

Zurich's Cynical Theatre Guide
A nice guide to the theatre scene in Zurich. It's in German, but provides English descriptions of the entries.

UK Theatre Web
A fairly comprehensive listing of performing arts events and resources in the UK, including amateur and professional theatre, opera and dance.


Potpourri: The Best of the Rest

A very eclectic collection of dozens of short (1-2 minutes) experimental radio plays.

Alberta Theatre Performance Calendar (1885-1990)
A bibliographic index to performances in selected cities in Alberta, Canada over the past century in a searchable database form. Lots of hard data, including casts, performance sites, and more.

Applied and Interactive Theatre on the WWW
Information on and links to psychodrama, drama therapy, sociodrama, playback theater, Boal centers and practitioners, community issues groups, and training and development specialists. Maintained by Joel Plotkin.

Audio Description
Provides information and resources for Audio Description techniques for people who are seeing-impaired.

BTS Comedy Pages
Backstage Technical Services is a group of Drama students in the UK whose comedy pages include the much-acclaimed Techie Gospel and 101 Uses for Gaffa Tape.

Canadian Actors' Anecdotes
A site containing free anecdotes from the book.

Centre for Performance Research
Located in Aberystwyth, Wales, this is a membership organization whose site includes a modest collection of links and descriptions of past and on-going projects in performance. Members get more, such as a peer-reviewed journal and access to an archive of books and videos on the subject of contemporary (postmodern, etc.) performance.

Children's Theatre Resource Page
This respectable page on Theatre for Young Audiences serves the interests of those searching for information and resources on children's theatre. The editors add that although it is designed for adults, it is suitable for children.

Dance Links
Links to dance-related resources based on the list compiled by Amy Reusch and friends and hosted by Gaynor Minden pointe shoes.

DIOTIMA: Women and Gender in the Ancient World
A form-supported page with bibliography, links to course materials, on-line articles, reviews, and images.

Dramatic Foolery Homepage
A site on Clowning and Theatre, including Theatre Games, Physical Comedy, Commedia, Movement-Theatre, and Masks.

English Contemporary Theatre
A site devoted to the contemporary theatre in England from 1950 to the present. Information and links are divided into three categories: Plays and Playwrights, Significant Theatres, and Historical Backgrounds.

Greek Theatre Webring
A "ring" of web sites devoted to ancient Greek theatre, music, dance, and other performing arts.

European Medieval Drama
A comprehensive site on the subject, features conference information and a collection of links on Medieval Drama, actually investigated by a human.

History of Vaudeville in Ohio
A very interesting, freely accessible database cataloguing shows and performers at the Chicago Opera House in Chicago Junction (now Willard), Ohio from August 1903 to December 1911. This small-town American vaudeville information is just the kind of thing the internet should make possible (in my opinion).

This attractively designed site covers the performing arts and artists in Spain and throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Features includes a What's On guide to theatre in Spain, a directory of performing arts festivals, listing of theatres and the Spanish language theater bookshop, La Avispa. Some material is available in English.

Intercultural Theatre Web Homepage
Aims to provoke discussion and debate on intercultural theatre issues. Currently featuring a view of Artaud from the Indian side of the issue.

IPA Fonts
For those who need to write things in the internet phonetic alphabet, this page contains links to several font packages for a variety of platforms.

JH Virtual: Brazilian Theatre
Includes an online magazine, listing of festivals, links to profesional theatres and associations in Brazil, all in Portguese (although some links point to English-language sources).

Kabuki for Everyone
A really nice, surprisingly comprehensive page on Kabuki and related forms.

Magic for Socialism
This site is too interesting to pass by. Ian Saville explains his magic routines: "whereas David Copperfield is content with little tricks like making the Statue of Liberty disappear, I aim at the much more ambitious goal of making International Capitalism and exploitation disappear."

Nordic Theatre Page
A page on Scandinavian and Nordic theatre.

Films based on plays
From the UCSC Media center/McHenry Library.

NCVS WWW Home page
The National Center for Voice and Speech site includes research information, vocal health and hygiene, sounds and photos, and links to other related sites (many go beyond theatre). A good place for theatre educators.

The Puppetry Home Page
A very comprehensive page of links to puppetry resources, including technique, construction, puppeteers, tour schedules, and related issues.

A curious page on "that infamous alternative theater organization."

Restoration Drama Homepage
A very well-organized and relatively comprehensive site on the English Drama (1660-1700). Very useful as an academic resource.

Semiotics for Beginners
A comprehensive introduction to the subject of semiotics. It is appropriately heady, and not for the academically thin-skinned.Still, its otherwise useful bibliography does not contain Keir Elam's Semiotics of Theatre.

Shakespeare Eclectic Science Fiction Interactive Theatre
An interesting subject: Interactive Drama, Freeform Role Plays, and Live Action Role Playing games. Includes many links, information, and above all, a collection of interactive scenarios available online. It's not really a Shakespeare site.

Skenotheke: Images of the Ancient Stage
From the Dept. of Classics, University of Saskatchewan, "offers various images of the ancient stage" scanned from art objects and other sources.

Storytelling Page
A site containing "links to storytellers' pages, children's stories, online stories, and resources for the storyteller." Most notable are its tales from other cultures and interactive story sections.

Theatre Education Literature Review
A list of abstracts to printed materials dealing with theatre and arts education.

Videodance Collage
A collection of dance pieces made specifically for video and the digital format, a semi-interactive experimental "e-production". By students from the Dept. of Dance at The Ohio State University, in Columbus, OH.

Voice and Speech Page
A collection of resources, including "voice/dialect samples in real time, anatomy, physiology, and care of the voice, and information on workshops, courses and classes." A product of the University of Windsor (Canada) School of Dramatic Art for actors, teachers, coaches, and students.

Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA)
The web page of the primary voice trainers organization in North America. It is currently in its infancy, but it promises to be great.

What's Good and What Ain't
Do-it-yourself theatre reviews, or "Theatre Reviews By & For Internet Theater [sic] Enthusiasts."

Women's Theatre and Creativity Centre
A page that seeks to create a community for women through performance.

Yale School of Drama
Not just a Department Page, this site includes a comprehensive link library, especially in terms of academic theatre departments (looking for a place to go to grad school?).


Finding Primary Materials

Electronic Texts

ALEX: Catalogue of Electronic Texts
A comprehensive index to online publications: books, guides, miscellaneous documents.

Comedia Text Archive
A collection of plays from the Spanish Golden Age Theatre. Requires a graphical web browser such as Netscape or Mosaic. Available in Spanish and English.

Visual & Performing Arts INFOMINE
A searchable database to resources in the Visual and Performing Arts.

A newsletter of public domain and freely available electronic texts, that sacrifices Java tricks in favor of vast content.

Project Gutenberg
Archives of Public Domain electronic texts.

A hypertext collection in the French language run by the QUEATRE discussion group.


Electronic Journals and Magazines

ACTR Newsletter
The Newsletter of The Association for Canadian Theatre Research.

ATHE_NEWS / Association for Theatre in Higher Education
TO SUBSCRIBE send the message "sub ATHENEWS your name" to:

Didaskalia: Ancient Theatre Today
A magazine devoted to contemporary performances of Greek and Roman Drama, published by the University of Warwick.

Early Modern Literary Studies
According to the editors, "Early Modern Literary Studies is a refereed journal serving as a formal arena for scholarly discussion and as an academic resource for researchers in the area." The site features articles, reviews, and links to on-line resources, as well as an archive of past issues.

Fund$Raiser Cyberzine
A free "how-to" e-zine with news and ideas in fundraising.

Magical Past-Times: The On-Line Journal of Magic History
This very interesting site includes some posters and ads from the late ninteenth and early twentieth centuries. A nice glimpse into American Theatre History.

Playbill On-line
Just like Playbill, only it's on line. Actually, it seems to be growing into one of these "hubs" of internet theatre. Among other things, it offers show listings.

Public Domain Report
"The monthly periodical of titles and reviews of music, literature, theater, film, and art for which the U.S. copyright has expired." Subscribe to the electronic digest version via email to: <>

Theatre Network Magazine
Not only an emag, but also a guide to internet theatre resources. Featuring calendars, reviews, articles, this magazine also aims to "publish full length books in the Cyber or/and Print world." Its upcoming "orange pages" ection promises to be a very comprehensive site listing.

TPI: Theatre Perspectives International
An electronic journal for international theatre scholars and practitioners devoted to all areas of "theatrical praxis."


Print Magazines with Online Information

The Electronic Newstand
Look here to browse the contents pages of many print magazines.


Other magazines include:


Online Indexes and Databases

The Communication Institute for Online Scholarship hosts Comserve, an online service that includes several e-journals, discussion lists (Hotlines), Job announcements, and other services. Excellent for communication studies, often useful for theatre/performance studies material as well. Some services are fee-based.

OCLC: Online Computer Library Center
Providing links and information from over 18,000 libraries world-wide, OCLC's WWW server "will distribute news releases, product information, research results, documentation about how to use OCLC services, and electronic forms." Plans include linking (for its subscribers) to OCLC Electronic Journals Online and the FirstSearch service.

The OTIS Index
A centralized index to the WWW. Includes links to search engines, books and publications, other web sites, and newsgroups (searchable by subject).

United States Information Agency
Useful resources include information about the Fulbright Scholar programs, Exchanges in the Arts, student exchanges, travel.


Other Ways of Connecting

Listservs (by E-mail)

A listserv (short for listing service), functions as a kind of bulletin board whose activities are conducted through email. In effect, when you subscribe to a listserv, you join a mailing list, and when anyone sends mail to the list, all subscribers receive a copy. For that reason, you must be sure to separate the functions concerned with managing your account (such as subscribing and unsubscribing) from the postings that you make to the list membership, especially since these two areas are usually handled through different email addresses.

TO SUBSCRIBE: send the message "sub <listname> <your name>" to <listserv@host> (note that "listname" refers to that portion of the address that precedes the @ sign; "host" refers to that portion of the address that follows the @ sign). Leave the header "Subject" field blank.

FOR MORE INFO ON LISTSERVS: send the message "info" to <listserv@host>

(NOTE: If addressing mail to "listserv" doesn't work on the following lists, you might want to try addressing it to <[listname]-request@host>. I have also heard that sending the message "sub [listname]" to the listserv at any host will generate an error message that gives you the correct host address).

NOTE CONCERNING BITNET: Bitnet is defunct as of Dec. 31, 1996.


General Theatre and Performance Studies Listservs

ACTING-L -- On acting

To subscribe to ACTING-L, send the message "subscribe acting-l [your name]" 
(without "" marks) to:

To post a message to ACTING-L, send it to:

ACTOR -- The Actor Discussion Group

To join ACTOR, send the message "subscribe actor [your name]" to:

To post a message to ACTOR, send it to:

ARS.DIGIT-L -- Digital technology and the performing arts

To join ARS.DIGIT-L, send the message "sub ars.digit-l [your name]" to:

To post a message to ARS.DIGIT-L, send it to:

ASIANTHEA-L -- Asian Theatre

To join ASIANTHEA-L, send mail to:

To post a message to ASIANTHEA-L, send it to:

ASTR-L -- American Society for Theatre Research

To join ASTR-L, send the message "sub astr-l [your name]" to:

To post a message to ASTR-L, send it to:

ATHE_RT-L -- ATHE Religion and Theatre Focus Group

To join ATHE_RT-L, send the message "subscribe ATHE_RT-L [your name]" to:

To post a message to ATHE_RT-L, send it to:

CANDRAMA -- Canadian Theatre Research

To join CANDRAMA, send the message "sub candrama [your name]" to:

To post a message to CANDRAMA, send it to:

CERVNTES -- On Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

To join CERVNTES, send the message "sub cervntes [your name]" to:

To post a message to CERVNTES, send it to:

COLLAB-L -- An online cybertheatrical collaboration.

To join COLLAB-L, send the message "sub collab-l [your name]" to:

To post a message to COLLAB-L, send it to:

FOR INFORMATION on COLLAB-L Contact: Steve Schrum <>

COMEDIA -- Spanish Golden Age Theatre

To join COMEDIA, send the message "sub comedia [your name]" to:

To post a message to COMEDIA, send it to:

DIRECTFOCUS -- On Directing

To join DIRECTFOCUS, send the message "sub directfocus [your name]" to:

To post a message to DIRECTFOCUS, send it to:


To join IMPROVCOMEDY-L, send the message "subscribe improvcomedy-l [your name]" to:

LATHE -- Latin American Theatre List

To subscribe, send a message to:  

In the Subject Line of the header write:  subscribe
That is all.  The message body should be empty.

To post a message to LATHE, send it to:
     < >

LECOQ -- On Jacques Lecoq's Theatre du Geste

To join LECOQ, send it the message "sub lecoq [your name]" to:

To post a message to LECOQ, send it to:

LIST-SOCIODRAMA - applied and interactive theatre for social change

To subscribe, send the message "subscribe list-sociodrama [your e-mailaddress]" to:  

PERFORM / Medieval Performance

To join PERFORM, send it the message "sub perform [your name]" to:

To post a message to PERFORM, send it to:

PERFORM-L / Performance Studies

To join PERFORM-L, send the message "sub perform-l [your name]" to:

To post a message to PERFORM-L, send it to:

QUEATRE: Quebec Theatre: 
     An international French discussion list on theatre.

To join QUEATRE, send the message "sub queatre [your name]" to:

To post a message to QUEATRE, send it to:

REED -- Records of Early English Drama

FOR INFORMATION: Contact the Project staff at
<reed@utoronto> or <>

To join REED-L, send the message "sub reed-l [your name]" to:

To post a message to REED-L, send it to:

RUSSTHEA-L - Russian and Eastern European Theatre and Drama 

To join RUSSTHEA-L, send the message "sub russthea [your name]" to:

To post a message to RUSSTHEA, send it to:

SCA-PERFORM - Performance Studies 

To subscribe, send the message "subscribe sca-perform" to:

SHAKSPER -- Shakespeare
       (a very active list, with digests and databases)

To join SHAKSPER, send the message "subscribe shaksper [your name]" to:

To post a message to SHAKSPER, send it to:

For more information, contact: <>

TALENTALK - Forum for actors, agents, and casting directors

To subscribe to TALENTALK send the message "subscribe talentalk" to:


To join THEATRE, send the message "sub theatre [your name]" to:

To post a message to THEATRE, send it to:

VASTAVOX -- Voice and Speech Trainers Association 
     Voice production for speakers and singers, stage speech, 
     dialects, and classical text work.

To join VASTAVOX, send the message "subscribe vastavox [your name]" to:

To post a message to VASTAVOX, send it to:

WTP-L -- Women and Theatre Program Discussion List

To join WTP-L, send the message "sub wtp-l [your name]" to:

To post a message to WTP-L, send it to:

Stagecraft/Design/Management Listservs

ARTMGT-L -- Arts Management

To join ARTMGT-L, send the message "sub artmgt-l [your name]" to:

To post a message to ARTMGT-L, send it to:

H-COSTUME -- Historic Costume

To join H-COSTUME, send mail to:

F-COSTUME -- Fantasy Costume

To join F-COSTUME (direct mail version), send the message 
"subscribe f-costume" to: 

To join F-COSTUME (digest version), send the message 
"subscribe f-costume-digest" to:

To post a message to F-COSTUME, send it to:

PUPTCRIT -- Puppet Theatre

To join PUPTCRIT, send the message "subscribe puptcrit" to:

To post a message to PUPTCRIT, send it to:

SHOW-FIRE: Stage and screen special effects/pyrotechnics.

To join SHOW-FIRE, send the message "sub show-fire [your name]" to:


To join STAGE-COMBAT, send the message "subscribe stage-combat" to:


To join STAGECRAFT, send mail to:

To post a message to STAGECRAFT, send it to:

Archives are availble at <> in /pub/stagecraft

THEATRE-SOUND - sound for live theatre, concerts, etc.

To join THEATRE-SOUND, send the message "subscribe theatre-sound [your name]" to:

USITT/CITT Callboard (There is a subscription fee).

To join the USITT/CITT Callboard, send mail to
     Tim Clinton <>

Related Listservs

Other Performing Arts and Media Listservs

C-OPERA - contemporary music-theatre & opera 

To join C-OPERA, send the message "sub c-opera [your name]" to:

OPERA-L -- Opera

To join OPERA-L, contact: 
     Alberto Gomide <>
To post a message to OPERA-L, send it to:

MOVIES-SEIVOM: Self-Referential Movies 

To join Movies-seivoM, send an email message with "Subscribe" 
as the Subject to:
To post a message to Movies-seivoM, send it to:

RADIODRAMA -- On Radio Drama

To join RADIODRAMA, send mail to:

To post a message to RADIODRAMA, send it to:

History and Period Culture Listservs

C18-L -- Interdisciplinary 18th century studies 
       (w/a monthly bibliography)

To join C18-L, send the message "sub c18-l [your name]" to:

To post a message to C18-L, send it to:

FICINO -- Reformation and Renaissance Studies

To join FICINO, send the message "sub ficino [your name]" to:

To post a message to FICINO, send it to:

H-AMSTDY: American Studies

To join H-AMSTDY, send the message "sub h-amstdy [your name]" to:

To post a message to H-AMSTDY, send it to:

RENAIS-L -- Early Modern History/Renaissance

To join RENAIS-L, send the message "sub renais-l [your name]" to:

To post a message to RENAIS-L, send it to:

RESTORATION - Restoration Culture

To join RESTORATION, send the message "subscribe restoration [your name]" to:

Popular Culture Listservs

FOLKLORE -- Folklore Discussion list

To join FOLKLORE, send the message "sub folklore [your name]" to:

To post a message to FOLKLORE, send it to:

LORE -- Folklore discussion list

To join LORE, send the message "sub lore [your name]" to:

To post a message to LORE, send it to:

ROADSIDE -- Roadside Attractions

To join ROADSIDE, send the message "sub roadside [your name]" to:

To post a message to ROADSIDE, send it to:

VWORLDS: Theory of Virtual Reality

To join VWORLDS, send an email message with "subscribe" as the body to


There are many newsgroups that are not primarily concerned with theatre, but that can be useful from time to time. I have found the soc.culture.* hierarchy (usually a country) to be particularly helpful.

Examples of other potentially helpful groups are:, rec.arts.cinema, rec.arts.poems, rec.arts.prose,,, sci.anthropology, sci.lang,, soc.feminism, alt.artcom, alt.culture.theory, alt.etext, alt.folklore.urban,, alt.native, alt.postmodern, alt.showbiz.gossip, alt.usage.english, bit.listserv.cinema-l, bit.listserv.commed, bit.listserv.literary.

NOTE: For those without Newsgroup access, <> and <> reflect the* newsgroups.

TO SUBSCRIBE Contact: Elizabeth Lear Newman at <theatre-> or <>.


Other Guides

Many other guides to theatre and related resources are maintained at Argus Associates Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Guides to the Internet. A few of my favorites (some of which appear at the Clearinghouse) are listed below.

jogle's Favorite Theatre Related Resources
A very well-presented and comprehensive guide to internet theatre resources. Beyond the usual, this site includes: theatre books, people, education, indices, and more.

Scott Naef's Home Page
Scott's characterization of his site as one with "stuff relating to theatre" is an understatement. He has a lot of stuff, nicely configured with Netscape frames; also available for those without Netscape frame support.

Theatricopia: Musical Sites
Jill Hobgood's very comprehensive guide to musical theatre resources on the internet. A must for the musical theatre aficionado.

Drama and Theatre Research Bibliography: A Library Guide
Print sources and web links for theatre scholars and researchers.


Mostly Links

The Actors' Consortium Webpage
Features truly a "poop load of theatre links," but not much explanation.

Carnegie Mellon University English Server: Drama
Links to plays, screenplays and discussions of drama and dramatic productions not typically found elsewhere.

On-Line Literary Resources
A nice list of resources for academics in literature (and drama as a kind of literature).

OVATION - Arts on the Web
The OVATION arts television network's listing of web resources.

This page consists of a set of links to theatre sites organized by country, many of which are off the beaten path for the average English-speaking web surfer. Definitely worth investigating, if for nothing else than to get some perspective on world theatre.

Theatre Network Resources
A nice list of links from Rhodes College.

Theatre Webliography
Lots of theatre links.

Voice of the Shuttle: Drama
A long listing of theatre-related links.

Other McCoy Pages

Ken McCoy's Home Page Please address praise, scorn, and other comments concerning the design of this web page to Ken McCoy (