Party Ideas

(good for a haunt, too!)

Build-A-Monster Contest:
Provide tubs of multi-colored modeling clay and allow your guests to build any kind of monster that strikes their fancy. Winner can be determined by a judge or by audience secret vote. As a prize last year we gave a gift certificate to a cosmetics chain called "The Body Shop."

Ghost Hunt:
Cut out paper ghosts and "hide them in plain sight" throughout the party area. Even if your home is fairly tidy, it's easy to find places to conceal the ghosts. When one of your guests finds a ghost, give them a small prize or treat bag. We limited the prizes to one per person. This game is great for kids and adults.

Buy or make enough Halloween pin-back badges for all your party guests. Pin one on each guests as they arrive. Instruct them that from this point forward, their name is "Jack." If anyone calls them by a name other than Jack (i.e., their first name or some descriptive slang like "Hey cutie" or "What's up, Dracula") they may confiscate one badge from the person who did not address them properly as "Jack." The "Jack" with the most badges at the end of the party wins a prize. For fun, just keep calling out "Hey, Jack" and watch everyone look!

Creepy Cuisine:
This is a great way to get yummy treats to your party if you don't like to cook! Announce on the invitations that a prize will be given to the best Halloween-themed potluck dish. Allow your guests to vote for their favorite and give the winner a gift certificate to a good restaraunt. Our buffet last year was delicious when we did this!

Stuff the Suit
A large group breaks up into teams of 3-5, pick the smallest of the team to wear the suit. The 'suit' consists of a very, very large sweatsuit. The other team members blow up lots of balloons and stuff them into the suit.
Two variations: the team that can stuff the most balloons in a set period of time wins; or after the suits are stuffed, the 'sumos' can run an obstacle course (don't forget a bike helmet and gloves!), belly bumping each other until their bumped out of a circle, or a short race... or any combination...

Body Language
Each member of a large group picks a partner. Then the group forms two rings, one inside the other, one partner in one ring, one in the other. Each ring moves around (music optional), in the opposite direction of the other. A 'caller' announces that the partners must touch their 'hand to foot', so each member must quickly find their partner
(wherever they are), and follow the directions of the caller. Each member would have to have one hand on the others foot. The last ones to do it are out... Several innovative combinations are possible, depending on the age and inclination of the group.

Do you Love your Neighbor?
The group forms a large circle of chairs (stools, etc) with one person in the middle who is 'it' (and doesn't have a chair). It gets a ball, and as It tosses the ball, he/she calls "Do you Love your Neighbor?". The person catching it has options for answering... they can say "Yes, but I don't like anyone with tennis shoes". Everyone wearing tennis shoes must get up and scramble to find another chair. The person who is It also gets to go for a chair, the one without a seat is It for the next round. If the person says "No" to the question, everyone must get up and find another seat. This game can challenge different segments in the group "Yes, but I dont like anyone older than 16"; "Yes, but I dont like anyone with baggy pants", "Yes, but I dont like suits", etc....

Win, Lose, Draw
Sort of a Pictionary, two teams compete to figure out what a person is drawing on a large piece of paper. The person pulls ('draws') a piece of paper from a bowl naming the thing to be drawn, and he/she begins drawing (no talking or clues allowed) until one team or the other 'wins' by naming the object. Or, if not named after finishing the drawing, the person has to 'draw' again...