
» disguise

updated: Mar 24, 2002

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disguise makeups: mistresses of disguise

Amada Holden
Drew Barrymore
Ashley Judd
Helena Bonham Carter
Sandra Speichert
Kelly Lynch

Now You See Her

Charlie's Angels

Eye Of The Beholder

The Revengers' Comedies

Die Diebin

Mr Magoo

Bridget Fonda
Karen Black
Virna Lisi
Natalie Wood
Tippi Hedren


Black Widow

Family Plot




Conwomen, hitwomen, spies and private eyes are sometimes mistresses of disguise: characters who adopt multiple disguises in the course of a movie. The disguises themselves may involve complex prosthetics (eg Mr Magoo), mask tricks (eg Die Diebin) or simply repeated changes of wigs (eg Arabella).

As with all disguises in the movies, we have to play along for them to work: eg in Marnie the changes are only sufficient to tell us that the character is supposed to be disguised and who would have been fooled face-to-face by the discarded mask in Penelope.